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Conservation Minutes 10/14/14
Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC)
October 14, 2014
Approved November 11, 2014

Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Chuck Crickman,  Bob Stewart, Members; Dick Wright, Ex-Officio; Bill Annable, Alternate.

Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.


Mt. Sunapee Resort Advisory Committee Meeting Recap
Ms. Holmes informed Commissioners about the 320 written comments received following the public meeting held at Spruce Lodge at the Mt. Sunapee Resort regarding the proposed West Bowl expansion plan. She said the comments focused on concerns about the proposed parking lot, the overall impact of the project to the environment, job creation, and the issue of public/private land ownership.

The NCC reviewed the minutes of September 23, 2014 and made corrections. Mr. Unger made a motion to accept the minutes of September 23, 2014 as corrected. Mr. Wright seconded the motion. All in favor.

Ms. Holmes reviewed an Intent to Cut application for Tom & Joy Nowell, Fortune Road, Newbury.

There were no Buffer Zone Cut applications to report.

Ms. Holmes reviewed the following communication from the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES):

PBN Application: Jim Yates, Great Island, Newbury, for a boat house replacement.
Complete Forestry Notification: Dan Wolf, Grace Hill Real Estate Holdings LLC.
Notice of Acceptance of Permit Application:
  • John & Nancy Girald, 199 Bay Point Road, Newbury.
  • Gary & Norma Murphy, 100 Gillingham Drive, Newbury.
Shoreland Impact Permit: Robert G. Coffin, 125 Bay Point Road, Newbury.

There was general discussion regarding the process and procedure involved with the receipt of NH DES application notifications, signings, and submission requirements.


Rails and Trails Project
Commissioners discussed the upcoming informational meeting scheduled for October 28, 2014 at the Town Office building. The meeting will include a presentation by Tim Blagden regarding the status of the proposed “Rails and Trails” project which involves converting the railroad grade of the former Concord-to-Claremont Railroad into a hiking/biking/walking trail. The project involves six towns.

Ms. Holmes said 79 letters were mailed inviting the proposed trail abutters to the meeting. Also, posters have been placed throughout town and on the town website.
Ms. Holmes said she has received a number of phone calls from abutters – some expressing support, others expressing concern and non-support – and she has encouraged all callers to attend the meeting and express their views.

There was discussion regarding the potential for motorized vehicles on the proposed trail and how best to address that issue, including the possibility of using signage, some gates across the trails, privacy fencing along property owners’ land, and enforcement through the town police department.

Mr. Crickman agreed to draft a comment sheet to be handed out to all meeting attendees eliciting their support or non-support and comments regarding same.
83 Malia Terrace
Ms. Holmes informed Commissioners that db Landscaping will commence planting trees on October 20, 2014 per the agreed-upon restoration plan.

Trail Map Update
Mr. Crickman said he met with Gerry Gold, Sunapee-Kearsarge-Ragged Greenway (SKRG), and discovered that some of the trail labeling has changed. Mr. Crickman said Mr. Gold will be sending him the updated information soon for insertion in the Trail Map draft. Mr. Crickman will then email the updated Trail Map copy to the NCC for review.

Wild Goose Boat Launch Project Update
Ms. Holmes told Commissioners that oral arguments will commence at the NH Supreme Court on November 13, 2014. Justin Richardson, attorney, will be representing Newbury and Gregory smith, attorney, will be representing LSPA.

Great Island Request
Ms. Holmes said two requests were received by the town for copies of the NCC meeting recording from the September 23, 2014 meeting. Both requests were fulfilled. Additionally, one request was received by the town for a copy of the written draft minutes of that same meeting. That request was fulfilled as well.

Ms. Holmes shared with the NCC the following letters from organizations thanking NCC for its annual membership:
  • Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA)
  • Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT)
  • Society for the Protection of New Hampshire forests (SPNHF)
  • New Hampshire Conservation Commissions Association
Commissioners reviewed two applications due to be heard by the Planning Board on October 21, 2014:
  • Minor Subdivision from Paul Skarin, for property located at 148 Southgate Road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 044-106-131, and
  • Minor Site Plan Review from Stone Face Excavation LLC, owner Josh Perkins, requesting to construct a sand shed on property located at 882 Route 103, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 020-046-050
Commissioners signed off on both applications with no concerns.


Upcoming Conferences/Workshops
Ms. Holmes reviewed the following conferences/workshops with commissioners and urged all to attend:
  • NH Conservation Association Annual Conference, November 1, 2014. Mr. Stewart and Mr. Crickman indicated interest in attending.
  • Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust Workshop on Climate Change, November 6, 2014.
  • NH Municipal Government Conference,  November 12 and 13, 2014.
Emerald Ash Borer
Ms. Holmes informed the Commissioners that the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (Ausbon Sargent) has identified a serious threat to ash trees in the form of Emerald Ash Borer. Ash trees in Merrimack and Rochester counties have been quarantined.

Ms. Holmes suggested that the NCC invite Tim Fleurie to an upcoming meeting to discuss how to inoculate tress against this infestation. Mr. Wright suggested contacting the UNH Cooperative Extension regarding an upcoming scheduled workshop on the Emerald Ash Borer that is to be held in Boscawen. Ms. Holmes agreed and said she will follow up.

Mr. Unger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Meg Whittemore
Recording Secretary